
Please be aware that a group of business owners and attorneys in the alcohol industry are proposing a change to the liquor laws for Nob Hill. The change would allow a potential bar owner to apply for a waiver to the State's existing distance requirement that buffers schools and churches from full-service liquor establishments of all types, including bars, nightclubs, and restaurants that serve spirits or "hard" liquor.

This change would apply to the commercial area of Nob Hill between Girard and Carlisle only.

The only other area of the city that has this waiver is Downtown.

At the September NHNA Board Meeting, the board voted to present the proposed ordinance to our members for input at the NHNA Annual Meeting on September 29th. The Board will then vote whether to support or oppose the ordinance at the next NHNA Board meeting on October 10th.

I truly enjoy the diversity of bars and restaurants in Nob Hill, but I am opposed to this ordinance because I believe the bar industry is already flourishing in our community and there is no reason to make our liquor laws less restrictive than the rest of the city - and more like Downtown.

I believe that adopting this ordinance would send a message to the business community that we want to attract more full-service bars to our commercial district, rather than other types of retail businesses.

I am also concerned that adopting this ordinance might discourage new schools, churches, and families with children from choosing to reside in our community. These institutions are very important to community stability - and too many bars can have the opposite effect.

Also, if the ordinance passes, any opposition to a future waiver request would be decided by City Council which makes the process very political and laborious for the average community member.

Councilor Davis has made it clear that he has taken no position on this ordinance and is relying on the NHNA to make a recommendation. 

If you believe that the NHNA should oppose this change in ordinance, please send a message to:

Simply stating that "I am opposed to the proposed alcohol ordinance that would allow a waiver to the required distance from a church or school for full-service liquor establishments within the commercial zone of Nob Hill" would be adequate and only take a few minutes of your time. Please be sure to provide this input before the Board meeting on October 10th.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
