
Please note that the "brief" I sent out listed only cities with greater than 10K population, including Albuquerque (which was 32% over the state recommended alcohol outlet quota, citywide in 2014) - Nob Hill is not a city, it is a small community within a city, but you can still do the math.

Nob Hill has a population of approx. 4800 with 16 alcohol outlets that provide "full service liquor" sales and that number does not include alcohol outlets that only serve beer and wine. Using the 1 outlet per 2,000 under New Mexico's current quota regulation we should have no more than 3 full service liquor outlets - most people would agree that might be too restrictive.

But thanks to LOD (local option districts that allow the transfer of liquor licenses) Nob Hill is now 13 outlets over the quota and correct me if I am wrong, but that would be more than 300% over quota (one of the highest in the state). And most of these outlets are located between Girard and Carlisle or within a half mile of each other.

Thus, one has to wonder, if there is a direct correlation between alcohol outlets and tourism, as some city officials and neighbors claim - why aren't we getting the same tourism action as Santa Fe which, according to the Santa Fe Prevention Alliance was %271 over quota in 2014?  Susan

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Susan Michie-Maitlen <>
To: Nob Hill <>
Cc: Sean M. Foran <>
Sent: Sunday, October 9, 2016 11:22 PM


Please take a moment to read this "brief" from the Santa Fe Prevention Alliance, it specifically mentions Nob Hill. And it also mentions the importance of restricting alcohol outlets within 300 feet of schools, churches and military installations. Thank you, Susan

An alcohol outlet is a place where alcohol may be legally sold for the buyer to drink there (on-premises outlets, such as bars or restaurants) or elsewhere (off-premises outlets, such as liquor stores). Density refers to the number of alcohol outlets in a given area.