From Sky and Telescope’s weekly wrap up. We’ve already missed the best one. If you want more info, follow the link.

Major Meteor Showers in 2017
ShowerRadiant and directionMorning of maximumBest hourly rateParent
QuadrantidDraco (NE)Jan. 360-1002003 EH1
LyridLyra (E)April 2210-20Thatcher (1861 I)
Eta Aquariid*Aquarius (E)May 620-601P/Halley
Delta AquariidAquarius (S)July 302096P/Machholz
Perseid*Perseus (NE)Aug. 1290109P/Swift-Tuttle
OrionidOrion (SE)Oct. 2110-201P/Halley
Southern Taurid*Taurus (S)Nov. 510-202P/Encke
LeonidLeo (E)Nov. 1710-2055P/Tempel-Tuttle
GeminidGemini (S)Dec. 14100-1203200 Phaethon

* Strong moonlight will interfere with these showers.