Who and What: ABC to Z is an ambitious two-year project by CABQ and Bernalillo County to update the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Comprehensive Plan and simplify the city’s zoning and subdivision regulations into a document called the Integrated Development Ordinance (IDO). It will affect Nob Hill significantly, both residential and commercial areas, replacing current zoning including the Nob Hill Highland Sector Plan.

Why: As the first legislative step toward passage by city council, CABQ’s Environmental Planning Commission (EPC) will hear the IDO on April 6. Your neighborhood association is developing comments. Your board of directors would like your input to help craft these comments. You are invited to bring your input this Monday, February 27 from 6:30-8pm. Format will be drop-in, open house. Your directors will then develop association comments at their regular meeting March 6.


The attachment shows comments your association made to planners last August. It provides an idea of the types of issues in play. Some of our comments have been incorporated, some have not, and the draft is more fleshed out than it was then.


You can review the draft IDO at www.abc-zone.com

We also urge you to submit your individual comments to EPC on that website and to speak at the EPC hearing.


Nob Hill Outreach Event: MONTE VISTA CHRISTIAN CHURCH, 3501 Campus Blvd NE

When: Monday, February 27, 2017; 6:30 pm –8 pm, open house

 All are welcome…Contact Person: Gary, 991-1388