
Some really weird stuff goes on around here.
Hope your car and home are ok.
I saw a truck up on Burton across from Bandelier with the driver’s window smashed out, for a grab and run most likely.
That happened to me in the drive way a couple months ago.

And this morning I came out to get in my truck and a truck sped away quickly from the curb in front of my house.  I looked over and the driver had dumped what looks like a couple gallons of oil or grease out his door.  It is all over the street now in front of our house as other cars drive through it.

Bob Anderson
Albuquerque, NM

On May 18, 2017, at 7:08 PM, Caroline Hess via Neighbors_nobhill-nm <> wrote:

My husband just informed me that it looks like someone shot the back window of our car. Campus and Girard area. Police report is being filed. 
Caroline MB Hess In Loving Service
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