I sent this out earlier but didn't notice a typo
in the subject line. Darn, I hate when that happens. So, here's the same message
and the same appeal:
As a director of your Nob Hill Neighborhood
Association I coordinate advertising for your newsletter. I’ve been contacting
our regular advertisers for the fall issue. Some are not responding. Some say
they are struggling to stay open; not sure if they can keep going, a very few
are still doing OK.
I’m writing to remind my friends and neighbors that Nob
Hill businesses need your help now. They have weathered the ART construction.
Soon, we hope, we will all start enjoying the improvements. If you agree that
Nob Hill businesses enhance our quality of life help them now. Think Nob Hill
first when you shop and dine. Tell your friends the ART work is substantially
complete, parking is better than ever, and now is the time to enjoy the premiere
historic shopping district in Albuquerque with its new, smooth, wide sidewalks
for easy ambling.
Reward the business people who have invested their money
and energy by thinking and buying Nob Hill
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