Nob Hill Friends,


The business of Bernalillo County is overseen by a body of five commissioners. Nob Hill is located in Commission District 3 where three candidates are running for a four year term in that office.

Your neighborhood association is exploring a virtual forum where those candidates can address questions and concerns of Nob Hill neighbors.


We have consulted incumbent Commissioner Jim Collie for the names of candidates. We are reaching out to invite them to participate. They are:

Adriann Barboa

Adrian Neal Carver

Marcos Gonzales


The race is party-based. The 3 are Democrats. We understand there are no other candidates.


Because early voting begins May 16 we are looking at an evening the week of May 11 and plan to use the Zoom online platform.

When we firm up plans we will provide a URL where you can observe and participate.

We are now inviting you to submit questions by replying to this email.


Find details on the election at

Use the URL below to see and share our Spring’20 newsletter.


Kind regards and #VivaNobHill, Gary

Gary Eyster

President, Nob Hill Neighborhood Association
