Dear neighbors,
With a strong winter blast coming through ABQ Sunday night - and Covid conditions mean that many shelters are closed, on lock-down, or limiting capacity - many of our at-risk of homelessness population will be in life-threatening conditions. There is a city-wide coordinated effort to collect much-needed items for those at risk & Monte Vista Christian Church (MVCC) is providing assistance.
Items requested include:
- Blankets (that aren't oversized or heavy)
- Sleeping bags (again, that aren't oversized or heavy)
- Gloves, hats, beanies, scarves, socks
- Rain ponchos, tarps (there's rain predicted along with the snow & mix)
- Jackets, coats, jerseys, hoodies
- Disposable cups, thermos flasks, for coffee, tea, & soup
Here are some opportunities to help:
- You can drop off your donations at MVCC by appointment. If you choose this option, please reply to this email so that we can get your donations included.
- You can write a check to MVCC (3501 Campus Blvd NE 87106), give online via our website ( or to our account on the Givelify app. Note all monetary donations as "winter".
- ABQ FaithWorks Collaborative (a non-profit that serves our at-risk population, which MVCC is a founding congregation) will receive donations in a drive-by delivery on Sunday (tomorrow) at First Congregational UCC (where ABQ FW offices), 2801 Lomas Blvd. NE, 9am-11am only.
- Another drive-by delivery location is 1258 Ortiz Dr SE (corner of Ortiz and Ross). They are receiving collections tomorrow, 11am-3pm only.
Remember to wear face-coverings and observe physical distancing when making in-person donations. In Covid-time, there are many things that we CAN'T do but this is an important something that we CAN do. As we approach the colder season, especially with Covid continuing to be a threat to life & health, these needs will be ongoing so you can make your donations to MVCC on a regular basis.
Please keep in your regular prayers all who are experiencing poverty, food insecurity, and lack of housing opportunities. Also, send me an email if you have any questions or learn of other ways that we can serve the needs of our neighbors near & far, known & unknown.
Thank you in advance for your generosity. It's a joy to serve alongside a congregation that has such loving & generous spirit. We welcome you joining us in responding to this important need.
Rev. Dawn
Rev. Dr. Dawn Rosignol, DMin, MDiv, MTS
Senior Minister * pronouns: she/her/hers
Monte Vista Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
(505) 268-3365 *
3501 Campus Blvd. NE * Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106 * An Open & Affirming Congregation
Where Heart & Intellect Intersect with Christ