Hello Nob Hillenos, 

My name is Mark, and I am the Secretary of the Nob Hill Neighborhood Association (NHNA). I also serve on our public safety committee. One the NHNA's goals for 2021 is to make our homes safer and build closer communities by increasing the number of blocks with an active Neighborhood Watch. We will be hosting a Zoom meeting for current Block Captains and those interested in starting or reviving a Neighborhood Watch later this Spring. 

We wanted to give you information on how to start a Neighborhood Watch on your block now, so that we might be able to be more engaged when we meet digitally. The City of Albuquerque has a very helpful step-by-step guide to starting a Neighborhood Watch on this web page:


If you are a current Neighborhood Watch Block Captain, we want to make sure we can stay in touch. Please email us at theboard@nobhill-nm.com.

We are looking forward to working together to make sure Nob Hill is the safe and restful neighborhood we deserve. Viva Nob Hill!
