I would like express warm thanks to Professor Steven Moffson and students in his course on Historic Preservation at the UNM School of Architecture and Planning for the great presentation last Monday on their project to research and document three historic neighborhoods of Nob Hill; 1916 University Heights, 1925 Granada Heights, and 1945 Broadmoor.

Over 40 Nob Hilleņos turned out to hear about the project and see how to participate. One thing you can do is to get the word out about the project to your neighbors. They can then watch for the students who will be walking throughout the area gathering date and photos.

Another thing, if you or a neighbor have photos (structures, people, more), plans, documents about any of the houses in the area please reach out to Professor Moffson. These would be very useful in their work. His email is Steven.Moffson@state.nm.us.

Steven indicated that when the project is complete in May he will again address the community to present the findings and to explore possible follow on work if the community desires it.

He has provided a digital file with the slides he used at our meeting. I am not attaching it because it is large. If you would like it let me know. I understand it will only be available for a few days, at least initially.

Big thanks to our Chair, Historic Preservation Committee, Shani Madden for organizing this work and to neighbors working with her. Please reach out to her with questions and ideas at shanikm@me.com


Gary Eyster

President, Nob Hill Neighborhood Association

