Friends and Neighbors,

Nob Hill Neighborhood Association sent out the email below on March 24 saying at 5 pm on Mar. 30 NHNA would evaluate input received. When input is neutral or positive we generally don’t develop an association position.  If input suggests strong concerns or directors have strong concerns we will call a special board meeting to explore an association position.

At that time we had received 15 replies from our email list, 14 in support, 1 in opposition.

I did not hear concerns from any director.

Consistent with our policy in the email below this does not strike me as a situation where we should call a special board meeting or develop an association position.

I am copying Ms. Montoya who is the coordinator for the Liquor Hearing Officer who will place it in the record.

All are free to comment to Ms. Montoya in the timeframe in the email below.

Thank you to all who participated in the dialogue. That’s how we make Nob Hill a better place.

Good luck to Kate and Blaze and the restaurant.

Kind regards, Gary Eyster, President



From: Gary Eyster []
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2021 10:34 AM
To: Neighbors Nob Hill <>; 'TheBoard NobHill-NM' <>
Subject: Liquor License Request, Happy Accidents, 3225 Central Ave. NE


Nob Hill Friends and Neighbors,


Our association has received the attached applications No.1180839 and 1180392 for Restaurant Liquor License (Beer and Wine) and Craft Distiller, Happy Accidents, 3225 Central Ave NE. The CABQ Liquor Hearing Officer will hear the request on April 6 at 9:00 am. Comments can be accepted by Donna Montoya until 72 hours before the hearing. All are welcome to comment directly to her if desired.


When your association learns of a liquor license application we contact the applicant to gather information. We pass this to our email list to gather neighborhood input. If neighbors express questions or concerns we seek further information. We invite you to reply to all if you have a position or a question.


-Operators of the business: Kate Gerwin and Blaze Worden-Zalesky

-Contact information:

-Current and recent operations with alcohol service and period of operation: Neither owner holds a license. The last license either held was Ms. Gerwin at Casa Vieja Restaurant in Corrales about 11 years ago.

-Food menu: “The menu will change often, depending on what our chef can get from her purveyors. We are excited to offer what we believe is accessible yet diverse comfort food.”

-Hours of operation:

Tuesday – Thursday          11am-10pm

Friday - Saturday               11 am - midnight

Sunday                                  10 am - 10pm

Monday                                closed


·Measures the applicant plans relative to security: Cameras locally recorded.

Owners and management team have all been trained in De-Escalation, Bystander Intervention, Implicit Bias. We are grateful for the opportunity to be an integral part of the coming Nob Hill REBIRTH!


There is no call summary from APD because there are no current or recent operations.


At 5 pm on March 30 NHNA will evaluate input received. When input is neutral or positive we generally don’t develop an association position.  If input suggests strong concerns or directors have strong concerns we will call a special board meeting to explore an association position. We will notify the email list of this special meeting and all are welcome. 


At such a meeting the board generally considers the expected impact on community safety and quality of life and factors including but not limited to calls for police service at applicant's operations and security plans.


Hours of service and services offered are not generally part of the hearing officer’s consideration, but may affect the association’s position.


Locations adjacent to Residential Zone Districts (IDO 14-16-2-3) are problematic, particularly if affected neighbors oppose.


Naturally, neighbor input is crucial.


We will notify the email list, the liquor hearing officer, and the applicant of the association’s action coming from such a special meeting. 


All members of the community are free to contact the applicant and to provide written comments to the hearing officer or attend the CABQ hearing in a personal capacity.