Hello Neighbors,

In February APD started a pilot program that may improve the call response times of APD in our neighborhood. The program split the Southeast Area Command into two parts. The NHNA is now in the University Area Command, which is south of I-40 between San Mateo and I-25. Commander Ray Del Greco leads almost 40 officers in this new Area Command. 

At the NHNA Board Meeting on April 4th, we will open with a one-hour session with Commander Del Greco. He is eager to meet the residents and businesses in the new Area Command and reached out to the Board for this opportunity. Commander del Greco will present information on the launch of the University Area Command and its priorities, with a Q&A session to follow. 

We are delighted to invite you to this special session, and optimistic about the benefits of this important public safety project to our neighborhood.

April 4th, 6:00-7:00pm, Monte Vista Christian Church
The regular Board meeting will follow at 7:00.

Best until then, 

Jeff Hoehn, President 
