Assembling Care Kits for the Unhoused | October–December 2024

Each month, neighbors, friends, and members of Monte Vista Christian Church and the Nob Hill Neighborhood come together to assemble Care Kits for the unhoused. These kits are distributed to those in need by Albuquerque Community Safety, who also attend the events.

Rev. Dawn and I have completed an inventory of the items, and the updated needs are listed in the signup sheet.

We’ve set the dates for the rest of the year, 5:30 pm, usually complete work in less than an hour:

Please join us in this community event to support those who find themselves without a place to call home and need help.

You can sign up to donate items and volunteer - note there are two tabs, one for items to donate; one to sign up to attend the Assembly event..

We look forward to seeing you and working together.

Happy Fall,
Meta & Rev. Dawn

Meta Hirschl
There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest. -Elie Wiesel