Gary – we are fine with meeting at the property during the day as you suggested. I was hoping to get a confirmed time from Rex Cohen yesterday and will check in with him this afternoon and get back to you all.




Jacqueline Fishman, AICP


Consensus Planning, Inc.

302 Eighth Street NW

Albuquerque, NM 87102

P: 505.764.9801


From: Gary Eyster <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2024 11:15 AM
To: 'neighbors' <>
Cc: 'Catherine Hubbard' <>; 'JOHN ALBERTY' <>;; Jackie Fishman <>; John Pate <>; Patricia Willson <>; 'Rogers, Nichole L.' <>
Subject: Wellesley and Silver SE Project Update


Friends and Neighbors,


We are talking to Jackie at Consensus Planning about a project update with the developer planning apartments at Silver and Wellesley SE the end of the day Dec. 2.

The date is tentative and time and place have not been established.

We will put out details as they are established.


ĦQue Viva Nob Hill!

Gary Eyster

President, Nob Hill Neighborhood Association
