This is bull….

On Jan 6, 2025, at 4:41 PM, Taihg McCabe via Neighbors_nobhill-nm <> wrote:

Thank you, Gary, I forwarded this email to SEHNA and my block captain who both forwarded it to people in the Southeast Heights.

Thank you,
Taihg McCabe

On Jan 4 2025, at 3:32 pm, Gary Eyster via Neighbors_nobhill-nm <> wrote:

Dear Councilor Rogers,

This bill has only been around for a short time. I understand its sponsors want a vote on it Monday night, January 6.

I am attaching a statement of opposition by the Intercoalition Council of Neighborhood Associations for ready reference.

There has not been time for our neighborhood association to consider this in a deliberative fashion and develop a formal statement so I am writing you in a personal capacity.

I hope you will act to slow down the process so the community and Council can deliberate and properly consider its monumental impacts, both intended and unintended, on the urban form of our community.

There are 4 provisions that cause me serious concern:

1.     6-4-(U) (5) If neighborhoods appeal a Planning decision (like a zoning amendment or Zoning Hearing Officer decision) and lose they will be responsible for the applicant’s additional costs, including legal costs.

2.     6-4(U) (2) (a) Standing to appeal will require signatures of a majority of property owners within 660 ft. This is incredibly onerous particularly because decisions must be appealed within 15 days.

3.     Table 4-2; Dwelling, Multifamily will become permissive on R-1 lots within 1,320 ft. of MS-PT areas. (Central Ave. in Nob Hill is a Main Street area). The IDO defines that term as a building, multiple buildings, or a portion of a building located on a single lot, containing 3 or more dwelling units.

4.     Building Height Limits will be abolished within 1,320 ft. of MS-PT areas.

Sharing your respect for community and community voices I appreciate anything you can do to slow this down for proper consideration.

Kind regards, Gary


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