JRB you are absolutely NOT to blame for having been victimized in this manner. Many others have also been harmed including several Nob Hill businesses this weekend.
The blame rests squarely on the shoulders of elected officials in our community.
At the beginning of his first term Mayor Keller, in coordination with the former City Councilor for our district Pat Davis, adopted a public policy of defunding the police. That policy has had a devastating impact on Albuquerque. Without resources being directed towards recruitment and retention of police officers the Albuquerque Police department is now woefully understaffed. Proactive policing patrols were taken away.
The newly formed University Area Command is a small step in the right direction but as has been mentioned by APD area Commander Del Greco at our neighborhood association meetings without adequate staffing its difficult to get a handle on the problems.
We desperately need the policy makers at both the state and local level to realize how important adequate policing is to the quality of life in our community.
Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: JRB via Neighbors_nobhill-nm <neighbors_nobhill-nm@mailman.swcp.com>
Date: 1/15/25 12:48 PM (GMT-07:00)
To: Nob Hill Neighbors <neighbors_nobhill-nm@mailman.swcp.com>
Subject: [Neighbors] Theft
I was stupid enough to leave my car parked in the street last night (Solano NE), instead of moving it to my driveway. Someone got into the trunk and stole about two hundred dollars worth of items. My own fault.
I have lived in Nob Hill since 1998. My house has been burglarized three times and items stolen from my car multiple times. Discouraging to say the least.