[NMCCSC] Report from the Sandia Mts today

Marlene Brown via NMCCSCeGroup nmccscegroup at mailman.swcp.com
Thu Dec 12 13:55:04 MST 2019

Catherine Waters and I skied in the Sandia Mts today. We parked at the
Ellis Trailhead. The road to the trailhead was clear. It is a little icy in
the parking lot. It was cold and windy when we started, but we warmed up
pretty quickly when we got into the trees. There is no fresh snow, all the
snow is packed down, but the conditions were great. We didn't hit any rocks
or ski on any icy stretches. We first skied Rocky Point. We next skied
Gravel Pit to the Switchback. There were a lot of trees down on the lower
part of Switchback. Once past that, it was fine. We went up switchback a
ways and then headed back down that trail to the Ellis Trailhead via the
route that would go to the Survey Trail in one direction, but we just
headed back to the Service Road. We saw some skiers and snowshoers on the
trail. Fun was had by all. Get out and ski, the conditions are great.

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