[NMCCSC] Coyote Call - Jemez

Dave Gabel pecos_hiker at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 24 19:36:20 MST 2022

The strong winds of mid-December - that caused so much destruction at Enchanted Forest and left their mark on Sandia Mountain trails - did not spare the Jemez, either. 
Alan Shapiro shared a detailed report with me after leading a Sierra Club event on Coyote Call last Friday. (Thank you again, Alan!) Today I cleared the lower half of the loop, but the upper half had most of the reported deadfall. As of today the lower half is clear except for one obstruction/group-of-trees at the very far end of the loop. That took 37 cuts to remove 24 trees. Until there is another trail status update, I would not recommend trying to ski the upper half of the loop.
At present there is still a good base in the Coyote Call area, though the warm temperatures have turned the surface to a compacted, icy crust in many spots. If snow comes soon (Tuesday night hopefully?), it won't take a whole lot to freshen things up. 

Dave Gabel
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