The following email came in from Sam Beard and got caught in the server. I am forwarding.
Stay Safe, Marilynn  S.  Egroup Chair

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Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2020 22:52:55 +0000
Subject: Valles Caldera NP is fully open
Hello Skiers,

The Valles Caldera National Preserve in now fully open.

Sam Beard, Trails Chair
New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club

August 1, 2020
Valles Caldera Fully Open as Phased Opening Proceeds
Valles Caldera Gates Open

According to Dr. Bob Parmenter at the Valles Caldera National Preserve, the VCNP is now open to vehicles. He says: “The VCNP backcountry opened up today, so we’re back to 35 permitted vehicles per day into the backcountry. The front Entrance Station parking lot is still limited to 50% capacity, but visitors and anglers can get back-country passes to go to the Rio San Antonio once again.”

 The Entrance Station visitor center is open 9 to 5. Gates close at 5pm. The Park Service is maintaining winter hours because of the pandemic. For more information call (575) 829-4100 extension 3.

The VCNP is fully open to hiking and mountain biking as it has been since the snow melted. There are miles of old roads available for hiking and biking and you can explore off trail as well.

Report any cattle sightings to the NPS or Caldera Action if you go into the Valle San Antonio area. That area is closed to grazing and the NPS needs to know if there are trespass cattle in the area.

Beware of fast developing storms in the monsoon season. Being out in the open grasslands when a lightning storm develops can be a dangerous situation. Be sure to get into a forested area or in a vehicle when lightning comes.