Covid 19 is here but so are we.  And like most businesses and organizations the New Mexico Cross-Country Ski club is adapting to these new circumstances. Specifically, we going to change the way we conduct our monthly meetings.  Instead of meeting at the Garden Center, which we can’t do under the current public health mandates, we going to hold our meetings using Zoom.  We will send out an invitation to join the meeting in the next few days.  The first general meeting will be held on October 8th at 7:00 p.m. To join you will only have to click the link that will be in egoup email.   The host, in this case Chris Cochrum, will then let you join the meeting.  You do not have to have a web camera to join the meeting.  You will be able to see and hear the other participants without a web camera, we just will not be able to see you.  Like all meetings we will discuss club business, review the proposed budget, talk about snow and have a presentation.   

      Chris is going to post more information about using Zoom on our website.

If you have any questions you can contact me at max.shepherd@comcast.net or Chris at

Christopher Cochrum; cmcochrum@gmail.com..    

      See you soon


Max Shepherd
