Hello Skiers,


On Saturday, November 14, volunteers will perform fall maintenance of Corral Canyon Trail and the southern part of Calzada Trail in the Jemez Mountains. These trails are located on the Jemez Ranger District south of NM-4 and about ½ mile west of Valle Grande. We will be using chain saws to remove fallen trees from the trails. We will being nailing blue diamonds to trees to mark the routes better.


Meet at 8 am on the west side of the Target store at the intersection of Paseo del Norte and I-25 North. We will plan to return to Albuquerque by 5 pm.


Wear slip-resistant boots and warm clothes. We may be walking in a few inches of snow in places. Bring a hard hat, work gloves, lunch, snacks, drinks and ear and eye protection.


We need certified chain sawyers and sawyers’ assistants (swampers).


To help me with planning, please email me at samgbeard@msn.com if you plan to work.


Sam Beard, Trails Chair

N. M. Cross Country Ski Club