Hello Skiers,
On Sunday, November 29, eight hard-working Ski Club members removed down trees from the lower part of Calzada Trail from NM-4 to Junction Meadow. This trail had not been maintained for a few years, but the route was easier to follow than I thought it would be.
We removed about 2 dozen trees that had fallen across the trail, and added several pink flags to help visitors follow the route. We were working in about 2 inches of snow all day. After a snack at Junction Meadow, we followed Corral Canyon Trail back to the highway.
Before parking at Corral Canyon Trailhead, we stopped at Los Griegos parking lot and hiked in on Burn Trail a short distance to remove a 16-inch down tree that Mike and Frances Meier had reported.
Photos are presented in the attached Word document.
The Ski Club member working on Sunday were Byron Garner, Dana and Liam Price, Jerry Carroll, Michael Arndt, Sam Beard, Tom Broadbent, and Norman Howard.
Sam Beard, Trails Chair
New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club