Hello Skiers,
On Sunday, Dec. 13, Michael Arndt, Leslie LaBry, and I skied from 10K Trailhead to Ellis TH in excellent snow conditions. The snow depths ranged from about 4 inches to drifts that were 10 inches deep.
From 10K TH, we crossed the highway and skied the groomed loop in the large meadow south of the 10K TH. We then skied Kerry’s/Sam’s Trail parallel to the highway to the first highway switchback below Ellis TH. We then skied four traverses and switchback groomed by the Sandia Nordic Ski Club that led to Ellis TH where we ate lunch. The parking lots were overflowing with cars.
Here we talked with Scott Dietrich, SNSC President, who said he had been grooming the Service Road. We also chatted with the Ski Club member who does skijoring with his large white dog. The dog had been pulling him on the Service Road. From Ellis TH, we skied down Challenge Trail to the first highway switchback. We continued down on one SNSC groomed traverse and the K/S Trail to 10K TH.
At Ellis TH, we were talking with a young lady from Sandia Park about the Ski Club, and she skied with us back to the 10K TH.
Photos and a map are presented in the attached file.