Hi Amy,
Sam Beard’s book “Ski Touring in northern New Mexico” - I have 2nd edition, 1988, I believe it’s self published or whatever the 1980s version of self publishing was. That’s why Bet is telling you to just contact Sam. My copy has publisher info as Nordic Press, 7521 Bear Canyon NE, Albuquerque NM 87109. 
The book has good descriptions of trails in the Sandias, Jemez, Santa Fe area, Cumbres pass and many other areas. Some are lower elevations and don’t get enough snow most winters, but there are many trails described that are still well used and loved. As for the areas that rarely get enough snow, it’s good to have the book for identifying skiing opportunities after those occasional big storms when getting up higher is difficult.  
The book has sketch maps, not topography which I’ve always found frustrating. (IMO the Club needs to start making topo maps of these trails, but that’s another bigger topic).  You’ll want to get topos or a GPS/map program on your phone to navigate with. 
Good luck and hope to see you on the trails!
Dana Price

On 12/28/20 at 2:05 PM, Amy Powell via NMCCSCeGroup wrote:

From: "Amy Powell via NMCCSCeGroup" <nmccscegroup@mailman.swcp.com>
Date: December 28, 2020
To: "Bet Gendron" <bettygendron@gmail.com>
Cc: "Lou Romero" <ldromero705@gmail.com>,
"NMCCSC Egroups" <nmccscegroup@mailman.swcp.com>,
"smithfoto" <smithfoto@comcast.net>
Subject: Re: [NMCCSC] Crest Trails, Lessons, Group Meetup, Facebook Info
Hi -

Sorry for the confusion; I rather meant the citation, i.e., title, publication date, publisher, etc. 

Many thanks!

Sent from outtah space

On Dec 28, 2020, at 2:00 PM, Bet Gendron <bettygendron@gmail.com> wrote:

The reference for the book is Sam Beard himself.  See his Egroup Crest report Dec 27.  Bet

On Mon, Dec 28, 2020, 12:39 PM Amy Powell <ajpowel@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Bet et al.,

Many thanks for the nice welcome!  I’m super excited about meeting you all virtually, at least for now), and learning how to cross country ski. I really appreciate the resources you’ve provided, and will do my best to attend the Zoom meeting. 

Would you please provide a reference for the book you mentioned? 



Sent from outtah space

On Dec 28, 2020, at 9:48 AM, Bet Gendron <bettygendron@gmail.com> wrote:
