Pagosa Nordic Club - Grooming Report
01/07 - 10 km West Fork groomed by the Pagosa Nordic Club.
01/07 - Upper and Lower Laverty groomed by the Pagosa Nordic Club.

01/06 evening - Fall Creek touched up by the Pagosa Nordic Club.

(This is the last Grooming Report via email for those who have not renewed their membership for the 2020-21 season.)

Please note - Cloman Park will be busy until noon both days this coming weekend. Saturday Pagosa Nordic Club is hosting the Season Opener Race which is part of the Southwest Nordic Race Series. Sunday is the first of three Learn to Ski Clinics put on by the PNC. (Due to Covid, the clinic is not accepting walk-ups this season.)


If you have not renewed your commitment to the PNC, please consider doing so today.  Your donation helps offset the expenses of trail grooming and holding events.