Greetings-  On Tuesday, Feb 2, I will be leading a small Covid-sized group out of Ellis parking lot up Switchback, service road, maybe other trails.  We can ski thru the morning and possibly a little later.

I will take only 3 in my group but I will keep all names in case of change.  I will send the meeting time/place out to those interested. 

You must be a member of NMCCSC and have taken a class.  Bring water, extra layers, working equipment, lunch.  

Respond only to bettygendron@gmail.complease don't 'reply' to this letter.

Please know that other leaders will be announcing this same tour also on our Meetup site,  We could have 3 nice small groups, and we'll have some fun!  

Please see the Forest Service's Sandia Ski Trails map attached.  I hope to see you!

Bet Gendron