Hello Skiers,
Michael Arndt and I will lead a Class I outing to the Redondo Campground area on Sunday, January 31.
We will park in the large San Diego Canyon Overlook parking lot across NM-4 from the campground in the Jemez Mountains. We will ski the 2-mile easy loop in the forest around Redondo CG and plan to have lunch
where this trail returns to the highway about one-half mile from the parking lot. The elevation change is very low, probably less that 100 feet.
From the lunch stop, skiers may ski about one-half mile into and through the CG to the parking lot. Skiers may also walk or ski parallel to the highway to the parking lot.
Another option after the lunch stop is to ski the one-mile RT Crater Spur Trail before returning to the vehicles. This trail passes two craters with diameters of 100 feet to 200 feet and a depth of up to about
100 feet that were caused by hydrothermal explosions after the last Banco Bonito volcanic activity about 40,000 years ago. When magma at high temperatures heats ground water or surface water, the near-instantaneous evaporation of water to steam results in
an explosion of steam, water, ash, rock, and volcanic bombs. One to two dozen hydrothermal craters are located in the Banco Bonito area east of the CG on the Valles Caldera National Preserve.
Meet at 7:45 am on the west side of the Target parking lot SE of the intersection of I-25N and Paseo del Norte. We will sign the Ski Club Outing Waiver and Release of Liability and the COVID-19 Virus
Waiver and Release of Liability. We will also organize carpools, if some members wish to ride with others. We will plan to return to Albuquerque by 5 pm.
Bring face masks, ski equipment, lunch, snacks, and drinks. Also, please bring MaxiGlide, a Swix product, or any other wax to put on waxless skis to prevent the build-up of ice and snow on the bottoms
when skiing from warm to cold conditions.
We will ski in small groups based on skiing experience and physical fitness. If you plan to attend this outing, please email me your name (for me to print on the sign-in form) and your cross-country skiing
experience ranging from beginner to intermediate or expert. You must be physically fit enough to walk (or ski) about 2 miles at a slow pace.
If experienced Ski Club member plan to attend, I would appreciate it if you would assist Michael and me with leading what may be a large group.
Please email me if you have questions.
Sam Beard, Trails Chair
New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club