Hi all,
I just got back from skiing at the Crest. I only brought my skate skis and think I would have had a better outing if I had brought my BC Classics. I skied a portion of the service road but found it too hard-packed and icy for the steeper descents so I turned around about a third of the way in. From there I skied down the groomed portion of the Challenge trail but had to remove my skies down Bunny Hill. That is a fun hill when conditions allow, but I found it too risky today. I turned around once I reached the upper 10K meadow. Although Sandia Nordic groomed today, as a beginner skate skier I found the conditions extremely challenging especially on descents. What can you do when there is constant freeze/thaw on our mountain? Off of the groomed trails there is about 1/8 to 1/4 inch of crust and below that is soft snow. I did not check out Switchbacks as I only had my skates but I am assuming it is likely hard-packed and icy at this point. Time to drive up to Sante Fe or Jemez. Sigh.