Excellent! I see so many hopefuls for these conditions. And, now, delivered.
Glad you had a good ski!
-James Mathis

On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 3:41 PM Bet Gendron via NMCCSCeGroup <nmccscegroup@mailman.swcp.com> wrote:
Today Steve and I skied Ponderosa Loop at Oak Flat- 5.8m.  OMGoodness the snow was absolutely gorgeous!  We left home fully MaxiGlided, then put more on at lunch.  We avoided clumping even tho we were warm but at noon a chill came in and the snow got crisp and even more wonderful.  Its probably snowing there now.  No one was on the loop with us.  Go early, take scraper and 'glide', enjoy!  Bet Gendron  
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