Here's a brief report but with some photos.
Perhaps most important for Sam/Michael's Coyote Call tour tomorrow. NM4 is clear and the CC parking area has been plowed (as have the other major trailhead parking areas) and the shoulder on the opposite side of the road has been plowed.
My track and elevation profile is shown. It's the East Fork Loop trail followed by the restoration area south of it, followed by a NM4 crossing and climb up to and including Elk Ridge Trail, and an abortive attempt to ski Lower Road (don't try it), then Ladera back to the parking lot.

Well, Google Photos is not cooperating for the photos, and I want to report on road and parking, so this now, and more tomorrow. Snow conditions were variable. Post-holing! indicated 2' off trail. Bring Maxiglide.
Happy trails,
Mike Meier
The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, but stranger than we can imagine. J. B. S. Haldane