Inspired by some of the great group member reports I've seen, I will try to post a decent one too! I went out from 11:30-2 to Oak Flats today. I started at the Open Space area (that parking area is not plowed) and found gorgeous, pristine conditions and perfect
tracks probably laid by some of our folks yesterday. Following the advice from those yesterday, I applied Maxi glide at the car but intermittent cloud cover and brisk temperatures (28 when I finished) kept conditions mostly good and no reapplication was needed.
I saw nary a rock, root, boot print, dog paw print, or snowshoe print all the way out and for most of the return. On the return, about a 1/2 mile from the car, dog and snowshoe prints appeared. Also on the way back, some thin spots noted (not many) which
may be bare by tomorrow. Also no life forms except for ravens, robins, flickers and squirrels were noted except on the return when 4 skiiers were starting. I drove past Oak Flats parking area which also did not appear to be plowed but very packed down. Happy
Teri Sheldahl
Amy---thanks for that update and those great pictures...!! Inspirational! I will get out as soon as work allows...
Hello skiers. Have you been out enjoying the snow? It was fabulous up top today (2/17). The crest road has been plowed and is easy to get to the Ellis and 10k lots. I parked at the 10k lot and skied up the upper 10k meadow and took the Challenge
trail up to the Ellis parking area. From there I headed up Switchbacks but before that I ran into Tony and his family out for a nice afternoon on the Service Road. On Switchbacks I ran into Guy! Lots of folks out enjoying the fresh snow. Once I reached
the top of Switchbacks I enjoyed the gentle descent down the upper service road to the Kiwanis meadow. I decided to ski on to reach the Kiwanis stone hut where I stopped for a much needed snack. The fog and clouds were rolling in so there was not visibility
to the city below. Snow clung to the trees making for a very beautiful and surreal view of the pinons. From there I skied the meadow and picked up Gravel Pit trail. That one was a lot of fun today and finally full coverage! Once it dumped me out on the
service road at the top of the ski area, I headed back via the service road but skied Rocky Point to cut out the rest of the service road. I then retraced my tracks and skied down Challenge and then took one lap around the upper 10k meadow before calling
it a day. When I started it was about 23 degrees but the temperature had dropped about 5 degrees and snow fell on and off all afternoon. I'd say there is close to a foot of fresh powder from the two storms making for fluffy, dry, un-compacted conditions.
I had a wonderful time but between today, yesterday and the day before that I'm tired. Back and ankles are buggin'. Just don't feel like I can take a break from the skis because next thing I know it will be spring!
I have attached a link below if you would like to see my route. (I finally remembered to track it using Gaia today.)
GaiaGPS - Track (2/17/21, 12:26:29)
Track from yavanna1259
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