One More Big Snow!- Yes?  Please join in on our Ski Club meeting this Thursday, March 11, at 7pm.  The Zoom link is below, just click on it.

Are you seeing all these crazy-good ski pictures now on our FB Group site?  For the March presentation we will have members show and discuss their favorite pictures to the Club!  Each will have a few minutes to present a half dozen or so pictures and to talk about them. Maybe a great ski trip somewhere, wild weather situations, a skiing class you took, a great (or an ordinary) day on the Sandia trails, or wonderful scenery. It is up to you, tho ski related would be best. They do not have to be from this season. Bob Guarnieri would like these pictures to be in very soon- see his Feb 28 Egroups announcement for more-

Will there be a Summer Picnic?  Will we have an amazing year of snow and events with all you really fun people?  Bus trips?  Car Trips? Etc?  Hey, stay tuned! 

**March 11 meeting Zoom link(just click!)-

See you.. There.  Or be.. Square!  Bet Gendron