Hi Bet and all fellow skiers,
I checked and there's a group meeting at Elena Gallegos so Sandia Nordic decided to allow for folks to participate in the open space needs this Saturday. They, Sandia Nordic, plan to continue work on trail sections June 12 and again the following week to reroute the trail they groom for skaters near 10k south. I helped this past Saturday. We did one of 9 sections. Sam is doing some heavy cutting and Jeff, of Sandia Nordic, will continue. If any one's interested I can forward his email.
Hoping to see folks soon.
Vicky Kauffman

On Thu, Jun 3, 2021, 2:59 PM Bet Gendron via NMCCSCeGroup <nmccscegroup@mailman.swcp.com> wrote:

Hey-  Greetings, Backcountry Skiers!  I hope your Spring is going incredibly well, and I hope you are anticipating an upcoming snowy Winter- Yay!

Well, Saturday June 5 is the National Trails Day, which some of our members participate in every year.  There will be many groups around the area who are doing projects.  Our member, BronwynW sent a link for information from the City-  information.....depps@cabq.gov.

Friends of Sandia Mtn, FOSM, has a project on the east side.  I don't see mention with Sandia Nordic Ski Club(they are constantly working anyway), or with Sandia Collaborative.  I would imagine that Volunteers for the Outdoors has work that day.  Others might know more.  

Anyway, you could poke around and find a job for yourself, giving back since we use so many trails for our slats.  And, you might even get a Tshirt and goodies!  Think Snow!   Bet Gendron   
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