Bob Potter 

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On Jul 16, 2021, at 10:00 AM, Max Shepherd via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:

Mark your calendars.  Finally, we are going to be able to again hold our ever-popular summer picnic, except this year we are going to hold it in the fall, on Sunday, September 12th actually.  We have again reserved the Locust group picnic site in the Manzano mountains.  This is the same site we have used for the past two picnics because it is beautiful, convenient and close in.  As we get closer to that date, we will send out follow up emails to try to determine how many people plan to attend, how much food we need to buy and who might be willing to help with the set-up, cooking and clean up.  But for now all you have to do is mark your calendars for September 12th and remember that the club will provide the drinks hamburgers, veggie -burgers and hot dogs.

The Picnic Committee.

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