Thank you for organizing.

Lisa Hales

On Saturday, August 14, 2021, 09:01:01 AM MDT, Max Shepherd via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:


      The time to start planning for our September 12th picnic is fast approaching but before we can begin planning, we need to get some idea of how many of you plan to attend. When we made the reservation for the Oak Flat picnic site months ago it appeared that Covid-19  would not be an issue by mid-September but that may no longer be the case.  Nonetheless, there does not appear to be any reason that we cannot enjoy our annual outdoor get together and picnic if we all agree to follow safe Covid-19 protocols, i.e., masks for anyone who has not been fully vaccinated, hand sanitizers readily available and surfaces wiped down.

      So, we need to get some idea of how many of you think you will attend the picnic September 12th.  This is not a commitment to attend but just a rough estimate of your likelihood of attending.

      Please send us your response to at your earliest convenience so we will know how to proceed.

      Thank you,

      Your Picnic Planning Committee.     

Again, please send responses to 


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