We are here, but the road that says OAK has a closed gate. I tried the trailhead, but no one is there. Will wait a few minutes to see if anyone responds here, but I’m new so don’t have any phone numbers to call anyone 😓

On Sat, Sep 11, 2021 at 9:50 AM Max Shepherd via NMCCSCeGroup <nmccscegroup@mailman.swcp.com> wrote:

Our annual picnic will be held this Sunday, September 12th from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the Locust site in the Oak Flats Group Picnic area off of NM Highway 337. There is a large Forest Service sign on Highway 337 pointing to the entrance to Oak Flats Picnic area.

      We want everyone to enjoy this our first picnic in two years while also feeling safe.

Toward this end we are going to follow the NMDOH recommendations that currently state that while masks are not required in outdoor events if social distancing is observed, it is also highly recommended that when in close proximity to others even in an outdoor event, like our picnic, that everyone wear a mask except when eating or drinking.  We are also going to provide more covered places to sit by putting up some portable shade structures and by encouraging everyone who can to bring their own camp chairs.  These two measures will allow us all to spread out a little more than would be possible if we were all just sitting at the picnic tables. And as an added benefit, if you bring your own chair, you can avoid the bottom-numbing concrete picnic table benches.

      There will also be hand sanitizer and wipes available.

(You can find directions to the Oak Flats Group Picnic Site on Google maps.)

See you soon.


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