Hello, Skiers —— The Survey Monkey thing did’t work. They have a free subscription, but what they didn’t tell me is that, unless we upgrade, I can only see 20 responses. They tease me by telling me there are 53, but I can’t see those results, nor can I see who sent them. To upgrade to where I can get all the responses would cost us $300.
Soooooooo, sorry to bug, but I’m asking everyone, including those who already responded, to please try again. I’m attaching a Word document with the original questions. Please answer the questions and e mail to me at
For those who may have missed it, the purpose of this survey is to determine whether or not we have enough interest in a bus trip to continue with planning / scheduling. The bus company has tightened up cancellation policy, and if we had to cancel, it would be very costly for us. Therefore, we need to know before we commit our money.
Thanks to those who already answered, and bless you for doing it again. It is my hope that others will follow suit so that we can have a reasonably representative idea of what our membership wants in terms of activities. Any additional comments / suggestions are welcome as well.