Hello Skiers,


On Saturday, Nov. 13, N. M. Cross Country Ski Club volunteers will remove fallen trees from the part of Elk Ridge Trail above the power line. Recently certified FOSM chain sawyers (A and B) are welcome to attend and get some chain saw practice.


We will hike approximately 2 miles round trip with an elevation change of a few hundred feet.


Wear long pants, a long-sleeve shirt, and boots with slip-resistant soles. Bring eye and ear protection (using chain saws), work gloves, and hard hat. Let me know if you need a hard hat. Also, bring lunch, snacks, drinks, and a jacket for cool weather.


Tools will be provided such as compound action loppers.


Meet at 8 am on the west side of the Target parking lot at I-25-N and Paseo del Norte. There is a very large white construction tent in the parking lot where we usually meet. We will meet across the street from the north end of the tent. I will be driving a blue and white FJ Cruiser.


We will arrive at the wire gate at the thinned area east of the usual Los Griegos parking lot at 9:30 to 10:00 am. At the latest, we will return to the parking lot by 4 pm and arrive in ABQ by about 6 pm.


If you email me and let me know if you plan to attend, we will look for you at the Target site.


Please email me if you have questions or plan to attend. samgbeard@msn.com


Sam Beard, Trails Chair

New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club