Greetings skiers!

Finally a freeze in Albuquerque! Let the snow fly and pile high! It’s the perfect time to dust off those transceivers, replace the batteries, find your shovel and probes and practice digging your friends out!

I will be offering a beacon /transceiver avalanche rescue review on Saturday 12/4/2021 and Friday 12/31/2021 (what better way to ring in the New Year?). The session will take about 3 hours from 9am-noon. Location to be determined, probably somewhere in the Sandias. Hopefully there will be snow, but you can practice beacon and burial scenarios even in the summer.

This event is for skiers that travel in the back country and want to practice their use of avalanche transceivers, probes and shovels. You should have your own beacon, probe and shovel and know how to use them.

Knowing how to operate your beacon and use your rescue gear is essential for yourself and those you are skiing with when traveling in the backcountry.

We will review the following:

1.    Equipment-transceivers, probes, shovels

2.    Trailhead checks

3.    Practice with transceivers, probes and shovels for a single burial scenario

To be clear, I am not an avalanche course instructor and this is not an avalanche class. I have taken AIARE Level 1 and the Avalanche Rescue course. I highly recommend anyone interested in backcountry skiing to invest in an avalanche and rescue course.

Please email me directly if you are interested in the class.

Feel free to call me with any questions 505-717-5636.

Thank you and I look forward to skiing with you and digging each other out!

Doug Erb