Hello Skiers,


On Sunday, February 6, Michael Arndt and Sam Beard will lead a Class I (Easy) outing in the Redondo Campground area in the Jemez Mountains. Beginning skiers are welcome. Someone will lead  beginning techniques in the campground. The tour is 2 to 3 miles in length with little elevation change.


The NMCCSC Board of Directors has approved a Covid-19 virus policy document stating that all skiers on outings have been fully vaccinated. Skiers will be required to sign this form and be prepared to show proof that they have been vaccinated.


Meet at 8 am on the west side of the Target parking lot SE of the intersection of I-25N and Paseo del Norte. Bring ski equipment, warm clothes, snacks, drinks, sun glasses, lunch, and MaxiGlide for sticky snow.


We will carpool. We will plan to leave no later Redondo CG no later than 3 pm. You may want to wear a mask in your vehicle.


Those interested in a beginning lesson or practicing beginning techniques are reminded to bring a complete set of cross country ski equipment – skis with bindings, boots that fit the bindings, ski poles, and ski gloves or mittens.


Email me if you have questions. samgbeard@msn.com


Sam Beard, Trails Chair

New Mexico Cross Country Ski Club