The advanced beginner clinic with Jon Dellios and Dana was just GREAT! My husband and I learned so much in the 2+ hours and happily look forward to many days of more skillful, safe and fun skiing. The "safe" part is a big deal for us at 70+ years old ; ) Anyway, his presentation of key points, observations of students, and sharing of his life long experience with outdoor recreation and mind-body practices like yoga was so helpful. I am inspired and excited about getting back on the snow (though we may be close to the end of snow in Sandias) and trying out my new skills!
Please share to both of the club email lists. I haven't quite got this figured out.
Laurie McCann
831 234 9086
I would love to live
like a river flows,
Carried by the surprise
of its own unfolding.
-- John O'Donohue