This morning I headed to the Jemez hoping to enjoy some of the 12+ inches of new snow in the Valles Caldera area that was predicted with this last storm. Alas, the disappointing reality was a paltry 2 - 3 inches of very light snow. It was adequate for most of a clockwise jaunt around the Coyote Call loop trail. It was a very pleasant "freshener" for the more level lower section, provided enough traction on the steep climb so that I did not need skins (needed to herringbone climb a few times) and was also fine on the upper half of the loop. It was definitely not adequate to slow my descent on the very iced over western end of the loop. 

The recent trail work done by Sam, Michael, Bet and myself made the obstacles insignificant (three easy step-overs total - four by tomorrow). The conditions were not pleasing enough for me to consider spending the rest of the day in the Caldera. With a predicted high today of 41, I imagine tomorrow would be a keep-the-skins-on-all-day kind of day.

Lesson learned: if there is no functional Quemazon SNOTEL site to give recent snow depth, call the Valles Caldera Preserve to get current conditions.

Back to the Sandias tomorrow.
