You are quite right as was good at the ski area skin and ski today. should be still good tomorrow as the sun did not show till after 4 pm.

On Thursday, February 17, 2022, 07:19:37 PM MST, Amy Mathis via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:

I had a rare afternoon off so I hastily stashed the skis in the car and went up!  The roads were plowed and cindered but there is still snowy areas once you get above Capulin.  None of the parking lots were plowed today.  I tried to park in the upper lot of Ellis, realized I’d probably get stuck, so I backed down.  I made a mistake and wound up lodging my right rear tire in the deep snow bank.  I spent a half hour digging myself out and I probably would still be up there now but two women took pity on me and helped push me free.  After getting myself out of that one, I parked at the 10K lot and decided to ski somewhere I’d never gone before.  There is 12 inches of fresh powder!  Man I was kicking myself for not bringing my downhill teles and skins!  Instead I skied south on the 10k trail and check out the downhill area.  Just gorgeous!  The snow was light and powdery and I was forging a trail up to my shins in snow.  It was tough when I turned around because I don’t have skins for my Rossis.  It’s a bummer I’m so busy now.  Today just must have been the most amazing downhilling it on our mountain this season.  I’m still pretty heartbroken they won’t open.


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