Greetings Skiers!   I am forwarding messages that came from Dave Gabel and Anna Brown via Mtn Club today regarding some forest openings.  I drove up the Crest Hiway this week 'just to see', and there was a gate across the road at the Ntl Forest sign, before the Cienega/Sulphur turnoff!  That is to change!  But please do read the details. 
Thanks Dave,  Bet Gendron

Forest Closures are rescinded on the Cibola and Santa Fe National Forests as of this Friday, the 24th.

The entire Pecos/Las Vegas district of the Santa Fe NF remains closed although the eastern section may reopen soon. The Cerro Pelado area of the Jemez Mountains (the recent burn area) also remains closed.

Also, Santa Fe, Los Alamos and White Rock city/county trails are also open.

Some more details at: