A reminder. Our annual picnic this year is less than 3 weeks away. It will be held on Sunday, September 25th from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Locust Group Picnic area within the Oak Flats picnic grounds on Highway 337 in the Manzano Mountains. And as always, the club will provide hamburgers, hot dogs and non-alcoholic beverages. But before we can do any shopping, we need to get an idea of how many of you plan to attend, please include spouses, friends, partners, etc., in the count. And please give us an idea of how many hamburgers, hot dogs and veggie burgers you want, don’t be shy, and what side dishes you might want to bring, Finally, as always, we need volunteers to help Guy shop, to help set up, to help cook, and to help clean up afterwards.
Looking forward to seeing you at our annual picnic.
P.S. Please reply using my email:Max.shepherd@comcast.net,
not the egroup email. Thanks.
A map to the Locust Group Picnic area can be found at this link: