OMGdnss, are you getting out there?  This is your chance while its cold up top- classes galore and nice, crisp snow on the trails.  And then the next storm?  Get down!  Come to the meeting Jan 12, 7pm at Albuq Garden Center, 10120 Lomas NE, west of Eubank.  Come hear of the upcoming Instruction opportunities, the Crested Butte car trip, the Harry Gates Hut trip, and the far-flung ski trip to British Columbia!  This month we will see and hear about experienced folks’ XC gear- it’s a great opportunity to see what may be useful for your skiing.  Come with questions, and maybe cash!  We are so proud of our new website, and our gorgeous Newsletter!  Come enjoy meeting our friendly ski folks.  See you there.  And then!    Bet Gendron