The Ellis service road and Klaus trail are groomed by the Sandia Nordic. Great yesterday.

On Friday, January 20, 2023 at 09:16:26 AM MST, laurafayev--- via NMCCSCeGroup <> wrote:

I realize this is not within 10 miles by any stretch!  But I’m a skate-skier so have been seeking groomed trails.  Just spent 5 days in Pagosa Springs, and OMG what a winter wonderland! 


If you’re looking for a multi-day skiing adventure place (skate, XC, skinning, downhill), this place is reasonable and served as a great homebase --


It’s best for a couple, family or a couple of good friends.  Open floor plan (upstairs single bedroom loft) so beware of that.


Grateful for snow and winter wonders!


Laura Vernon





From: NMCCSCeGroup <> On Behalf Of MIKE Space via NMCCSCeGroup
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2023 7:33 PM
Subject: [NMCCSC] Santa Fe Ski Areas for Newbies




Are there good places in the Santa Fe area (within 10 miles) for beginner cross country skiers?



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