Hi All,

Someone asked awhile back in this egroup about beginner x-country skiing near Santa Fe.  I believe I responded that, when conditions are right (ie enough snow), skiing in some of the arroyos just above town can be perfect for beginners. Well, the conditions are here! I just got back from setting track in the arroyo that runs from the intersection of Mansion Dr/Mansion Ridge Dr north to Camino Encantado (a little under a mile in length.)  The snow is fantastic -- best since I moved here 3 winters ago.  It should still be good tomorrow too.

To get to this spot just go north from downtown on Bishop's Lodge Road.  After around a mile you turn left on Mansion Dr (towards the Governor's house) then the first right on Mansion Ridge Rd.  Park on the right about where the fence/wall begins (careful to pull off a little so that cars can see and get around you but not too much so you dont get stuck in the snow)  The arroyo is on the right/east side about 15 feet down a moderate slope-- you can go down along the side of the fence/wall.  I would walk that part and put your skis on after. 

This is a great outing for those who are unsure on their skis and/or worried about driving in the snow. The terrain and the drive from pretty much anywhere in Santa Fe are both very easy.

Have fun!