The latest from our Sandia Nordic friends 

On 2/16/23 at 8:01 PM, Jeff Huser wrote:

From: "Jeff Huser" <>
Date: February 16, 2023
Cc: "'Berman, Russell - FS'" <>,
"'Jaffa-martinez, Joseph - FS, NM'" <>,
"'Wood, Kerry - FS, NM'" <>
Subject: [Sandia Nordic Ski Club] Grooming Report Thurs. Feb.16

Steve, Paul and I took the tram today and were greeted by massive amounts of fresh fluffy snow, 2+ ft. deep on average, with 3+ ft. drifts. Some of the most challenging grooming conditions I have encountered. To keep from getting stuck, first used just the ATV with no attachments and then came back over with the roller, so was slow going. Got the Service Rd and Klaus trail compacted, which are still a bit soft but looking decent. On my ATV only outing to the lower trails, drifted snow abounded. Got down through the upper 10k meadow but below that encountered an area of obstruction with branches and possibly a buried downed tree and could not continue to the lower 10K meadow. Had intended to roller compact down through the upper meadow, but identified a mechanical issue with the ATV hitch and opted to call it a day. Great to be back on the grooming detail after a tussle with Covid. Thanks to Scott, David and Jim for their fine work the past 2 weeks. DOT was busy plowing and sanding most of the day and the highway is now open as of 4pm today and the Ellis parking lot is plowed. We will be back at it on Saturday.

Paul and Steve getting a workout.

A person riding a snowmobile

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Klaus, pass number one. Got Snorkel?


A person walking on a snowy road

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Service Rd. pass number 10.