Fellow Snowgoers,
Frances and I did the single loop around the campground today, starting a little before noon. Two other skiers had broken the trail (Thanks!), probably yesterday. The trip was beautiful and enough exercise for the two of us elders.
Michael's Sunday group should have a great time.The snow was deep:
And, in the sunny areas it was already sticky. We got by with a single Maxiglide application. (I'd never noticed it before, but on the well-formed track through deep snow the middle ridge shades one of the tracks making sticky snow less of an issue. Who knew?!)
From Los Alamos NM4 was icy and snow packed and we counted 3 plows working. By ~230, it was mostly just wet with a few slushy areas that required more prudent driving.
Parking areas at major trailheads - Los Griegos, Corral Cyn, Coyote Call were plowed. Upper Frijoles was not, and the gate for FR280 was closed and there were no tracks indicating traffic.
Happy Trails,
Mike Meier
Never put off 'til tomorrow what you can put off 'til the day after tomorrow. - Mark Twain